HELLO all today's post is about the naive girls who are misjudged as they do not know the worldly blabbers and are misjudged but their intuition guides them and they must learn to listen to them instead of thinking it as a passing negative thought . TOO TIRED AS I AM WEIRDLY WIRED WORLDLY TALKS I DON'T UNDERSTAND AND WORLD ALWAYS MISUNDERSTANDS CONFUSION THEY CAUSE IT'S THEIR LOSS THEY SHOULD ASK NOT JUDGE AS I AM NOT AWARE OF THE WORLDLY RULES NOT THAT I SAY THAT RULES ARE FOR FOOLS IT'S JUST I DO NOT KNOW THEM SO JUDGING ME BASED ON THAT IS LIKE CREATING A MENTAL MAYHEM NICE AT FIRST HEAD AND HEART FILLED WITH LUST THINKS I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THEIR INTENTION WHICH ARE LIKE DUST SUCH MENTALITY NEEDS TO ROT LIKE IRON AFFECTED BY RUST STAYING AWAY FROM EVERYONE IS A THING THEY MUST JUST BECAUSE I AM NOT AWARE OF WORLDLY WAYS I STILL UNDERSTAND WHERE YOUR CRUEL INTENTIONS STAYS INTUiTION I POSSESS ON THE BASIS OF WHICH I ASSESS
EXPERIENCES=POETRY+SKETCHES+PHOTOGRAPHY +SHORT STORY