Right choice
Do this do this that this is right no this is no no this is wrong these are the statements of our our well wishers when we make choices choices are nothing but the chances we take and changes that we make in our life which directly or indirectly effects those who are around us .A right choice be it our career or any other circumstances makes us an asset a wrong one leads to troublesome situations in our daily lives we have n number of choices to make that proves who we are and what is our thought process .
A right choice is made when instead of listening to others we listen to ourselves what our head and heart permits as nobody can exactly understand the phase we go through what is our situation indeed advises are of great help but up to some extent as situation is best analysed and understood by nobody else but us .Take for example choices regarding our careers our parents our friends gives us various advises the same way there was a boy name x he wanted to become a choreographer his parents advised him to become doctor as they had their own reasons and his friends advised him to become dentist now this boy was very confused but he made a choice he decided to become what he wanted as he realized its' his life and there is no better judge than him if he would not follow his head and heart then he may regret it later so he made his choice .
A choice made even if not as big as choice of career and petty as choice of a dress should be the one which should be made on our own rather than listening to others so called great pieces of advises as advises are cheap they come for free you may wear somethings for your loved ones sometime but not always as the way you dress and the way you be is what you are so then why listen to anybody else .
few lines by me :
I do not wish to be you
I do not wish to woo
I am who I am my choices are mine
there are few more lines
being me is not a crime
that is what I consider as prime
a right choice is a mammoth task
do not intervene advise only when I ask
Let me decide
where my head and heart reside
Make a choice like I did it actually bought a positive change and there more optimism than I expect always remember make your own choices follow your head and heart both I emphasis on both as sometimes former may be later or vice versa others do not understand your problems exactly and why accuse them take this chance and just love them :)
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