hello all a very good morning today's morning I received this text and as I believe in dealing with negativity in the form of humor so I decided to make this meme and share with you all as it is rightly said laugh don't worry much and laugh until you have teeth
so take negativity in a funny way not sarcasm then life will be easier this is my biggest learning of the year :)
stay home stay safe
Love RAAE(shruti ) <3
Fun and random stuffs which are cute and cool and used for decorating rooms :
https://amzn.to/31gtktd(this will bring peace and prosperity )
https://amzn.to/2BEUPSw(appreciate the geeky touch )
https://amzn.to/31gDBFY(my favorite which eases your mind)
and this is the must have in your room https://amzn.to/31rdBbd
https://amzn.to/2YAFg7L this has oomph factor
https://amzn.to/2VhQ1tp this is magical
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