Hello readers a very good morning to all of you my today's post is about chase craze that people are having these days that means everybody is dying to be chased they wish to detach because they want to be chased and this I realised by watching few instagram videos and posts I know it's their choice but the logic behind this is that if we wished to be chased how are we going to move on finally for example you have practised detachment but you wish to be chased that means you have not actually moved the angst is still there moreover if they come back in your life they will bring you back to the memory lane and specially if it's bad and traumatising so better forget them detach yourself in a complete way maintain no contact pay no heed to their actions why complicate keep your life simple don't give many chances as giving two chances is okay but more than that hurts your self respect too and the other person also develops a mindset that they will forgive me no matter what don't let others take you for granted .Learn to love yourself first :)
Stay home stay safe
Love Shruti
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